ETF! awarded as best international exhibition of 2017 in Chile

ETF! awarded as best international exhibition of 2017 in Chile

The Chilean site of ZUR NACHAHMUNG EMPFOHLEN! | ¡EJEMPLOS A SEGUIR! | EXAMPLES TO FOLLOW! (ETF!), which took place in the City of Valparaíso at Parque Cultural de Valparaíso | PCdV, has been awarded as the best international exhibition of 2017 by the Chilean Circle of Art Critics.

For the exhibition we had the support of Heinrich Böll Stiftung Cono Sur, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies | IASS Potsdam and Goethe-Institut Chile. ETF! was encompassed by a series of talks and workshops within the dialogue program Sustainable Worlds organised by IASS Potsdam and Heinrich Böll Stiftung Cono Sur.

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