The Lovers | 2012

The Lovers set out to create a transformational happening: on August 25th and 26th, 2012, 400 participants came together on an idyllic island of perfect nature outside of Berlin for an ambitious musical jam session, uniting 100 international musicians and running non-stop for twenty-four hours.
Trailer by Kevin Klein
My lecture ‘Crisis Utopia” will be held August 25 at 19:00 CET.
Schlesische Strasse 38
Haus F (3rd Hinterhof)
10997 Berlin Germany – See more at:
In the summer of 2012, four hundred participants gathered on an idyllic island outside of Berlin for an ambitious musical jam session that brought one hundred international musicians and forty performance artists together to produce a show that ran non-stop for twenty-four hours.
The Lovers was brought to life by the artist collective Mindpirates, who conceived of the event as “a search and experiment to evoke love and human gratitude among each other and towards the universe.” The event was a cathartic tempest; a caged whirlwind of both love and hate, epiphany and confusion. Pauline Doutreluingne oversaw the curation of the visual and performing artists.
In the summer 2013, a year later, the Mindpirates collective re-examined the indubitably infamous occasion. Drawing from the filmic and photographic documentation of the event, Mindpirates presented an exhibition of film, cultural events that explored themes of dreams and visions, rituals and gatherings, humans and nature, and utopia through a kaleidoscopic lens of interpretation and reinvention.
Have a look at the trailer and complete film to watch online here.
See the original website here
Participating musicians include Wizard Ashdod, Sam Barker, Marco Barotti, Justine Beatty, Leon Behm, Luke Benge, Pierre Bizot, Jan Blumenroth, Even Brenden, Hada Carulus, Etkin Cekin, Stefan Charisius, Nuphar Charsky, Iris Dankemeyer, Billy Daskind, Debmaster, Tammo Dehn, Jack Dibben, Daniel Dodecahedron, Alexander Dowerk, Arnaud Duvoux, Eliyas, Eli Fabrikant, Lucas Febraro, Tobias Feltes, Miguel Fernandez, Oli Friedrich, Butchy Fuego, Linus Gabrielsson, Antonio Garcia, Sofia Gaschutz, Oren Gerlitz, Emilio Gordoa, Alex Grey, Marian Gwozdz, Sam Hall, Sam Handley, Josh Head, Maximilian Hecker, Philip Ho, Olle Holmberg, Tim Hoppe, Mike Jefford, Jovanka, Moon Suk Kang, Samuel Kerridge, Elyas Khan, Phoebe Kiddo, Jascha Kreft, Joanna Kupnicka, Carolin Langner, Niko Lefort, Cory Levinson, Lucola, Yuko Matsuyama, Servullo Mendez, Harmony Molina, Megg Morales, Michel Morin, Rudi Moser, Moritz Nolden, Raz Ohara, Adam Parkinson, Sasha Perera, Daniel Plaushes, Anthony Plekhov, Owen Roberts, Brandon Rosenbluth, Jens Rosenkranz, Yoyo Röhm, Antaeus Roy, Bob Rutman, Iku Sakan, Michael Saup, Henning Severud, Milo Smee, Soname, Cameron Stallones, Jonny Teardrop, Komi Togobunko, Stuart Turner, Gordon W., Jonathan Walter, Lukas Walter, Dylan Warn, Easton West, Gordian Wittenbecher, Gabriel Wolff, Makiho Yoshida, Jens Zygar, Benjamin Zordan
Participating artists include Anna Bastonie, Christian Beeck, Cicbela Bunka, Anders Surel Lange Born, Dlakavo Chudovisthte, Mads Dinesen, Friedrich Drescher, Viviana Druga, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Markus Fiedler, Azucena Fredersdorff, Suzanne Gebhardt, Ivi Geist, Karl Goerlich, Ebon Heath, Alma Sophia Giesbert, Benedikt Gramm, Antoniya Ivanova, July, Kain Karawahn, Franco Losvizzero, Lala Nomada, Linka A Odom, Isa Ott, Linda Püschel, Thomas Rusch, Saam Schlamminger, Elena Schmerberg, Andrea Splisgar, Hilla Steinert, Otto Steinert, Bennett Togler and Daniel Wiitkopp.
Concept Mindpirates (Nora Colie, Pauline Doutreluingne, Kevin Klein, Lynn Koppen, Owen Roberts, Brandon Rosenbluth, Ralf Schmerberg, Christian Schmid-Rincon, Sarah Traoré, Cy Iurinic, Easton West)