Orbis Lumen (The Light of the World) is showing a three-dimensional Dymaxion world map built from multiple layers of over 40000 white industrial sugar cubes.
Using sugar cubes as pixels emphasizes the intimate relationship between information, energy, resources and their resulting impact. Orbis Lumen stages one of the most extreme powers released by humankind: the sequence of all nuclear explosions from 1945 until today.
In times of peace, sugar is being used as a food source and a potentially abundant regenerative source of energy. With a total world harvest of over 1 billion tonnes of sugar cane per year, the global energy potential from sugar is over 100,000 Gwh. Energy may even become the primary product of sugar cane processing, rather than sugar itself.
Nevertheless, in times of war, sugar is the first item to be rationed as a building block for making conventional explosives. That being said, we should be happy as long as we are supplied with sugar, as it clearly means that we are living in peace.
created by
Michael Saup
Andrea Winter
Andreas Erhart
co-produced by
Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau e.V.
& Michael Saup
selected by
Ulf Langheinrich
Shuichi Fukazawa
with the help of
Li Alin
Nicole Pesant Méalin
Rosa-Lee Sendlinger
Nadine Bors
David McConville
The Buckminster Fuller Institute
die wellenmaschine
Knut Bressgott
Laura & Emily Winter
Karolina Funk
special thanks
Endre Ketzel
Thomas Dumke &
the great team
at cynetart Dresden
filmed by
Acci Baba
Michael Saup