硅晶的眼神 | 2023-12
1000 silicon eyes
NOWNESS Genius Project Future Image
Shanghai Power Station of Art
2023.12.15 – 2023.12.21
“The artwork DUST delves into the worldwide movement of dust and atmospheric particles, intertwining them with precise urban and geographical details, resembling a microscopic apocalypse infiltrating the human realm. Using VR, a virtual space, artist Michael Saup has constructed an incredible realm of wonder, a world where reality and data merge. There eternity and instant coexist, virtuality and reality coexist, along with miracle and disillusion.”
Liu Chang
In 2022, the NOWNESS Genius Program launched the Future Imaging Exploration Unit ‘Cinema in Meta’. This year’s exhibition will be displayed at the Shanghai Power Station of Art, featuring DUST in curator Long Xingru’s natural phenology of AI, entitled ‘Silicon Crystal Eyes’.

“The extinction event of dinosaurs was instigated by particulate matter. A parallel destiny is presently unfolding for humanity, albeit in slow motion: The emergence of pervasive dust as humanity’s cave painting on the fossilized canvas of the microscopic apocalypse.”
UP#319, the flicker of universes
DUST是一项环境探索项目,带领人们深入了解城市颗粒物的不可见世界。通过Sensor.Community的全球民间技术网络和radio aporee的环境声音图景,这个虚拟现实体验提供了一个引人入胜且发人深思的与城市环境中的尘埃的邂逅。
DUST is an environmental exploration into the unseen world of urban particulate matter. Powered by Sensor.Community’s global network of civic tech and radio aporee’s canvas of ambient phonography, this virtual reality experience offers a captivating and thought-provoking encounter with the impact of dust on both our daily lives and urban environments.

DUST transforms real-time data obtained from Sensor.Community’s environmental sensors into three-dimensional virtual environments. It then simulates virtual agents that replicate the behavior of cars, people, bikes, and wind, causing disturbances in the dust and unveiling remarkable causal effects. DUST is a suite of tools employing C++, Python, QGIS, Meshlab and openFrameworks.

DUST, 2018-2023, environmental VR, 1 space, 3 projections, 3 VR stations, 59 community labs, 78 countries, 12,000 sensors, 2,000,000 particles, 24,000,000,000 data points

DUST 由 Michael Saup 创作,2018-2023, https://1001suns.com/dust 声音景观由 Matevž Kolenc 创作,https://matevzkolenc.com 空气质量数据由 Sensor.Community 提供,https://sensor.community 现场录音由 radio aporee 提供,https://aporee.org 使用 C++、Python、QGIS、Meshlab 和 openFrameworks 创作
DUST by Michael Saup, 2018-2023, https://1001suns.com/dust
Soundscape by Matevž Kolenc, https://matevzkolenc.com
Air quality data by Sensor.Community, https://sensor.community
Field recordings by radio aporee, https://aporee.org
Created with C++, Python, QGIS, Meshlab and openFrameworks

DUST 硅晶的眼神 utilizes radio aporee contributions by
15122127, andreas lemke, consul, cpreissing, dierotezarah, Flavien Gillié, florian neuner, Frank Schulte, henrik schröder, James Bailey, joaquim.cauqueraumont, john grzinich, John Hopkins, Josef Sprinzak, julia.tieke, ksvonslomski, legoyann, lesniknn, LIGNA, ludger, maciej janasik, meir.daniel, nataliabohle, ohandahsound.wordpress, OR poiesis, Peter Cusack, plenilunix, radio continental drift, rafael.balhes, soundkovalsky, stikkerboy23, Suavas Lewy, Thomas Evdokimoff, Tiago CarvE, udo noll, Virgilio Oliveira
DUST 硅晶的眼神 is highlighting the following locations:
Berlin Germany, Chicago USA, Chong Qing Shi China, Ciudad de México México, Jawa Barat Indonesia, Jerusalem Israel, Johannesburg South Africa, Kyiv Ukraine, Lahore Punjab Pakistan, Las Palmas Spain, London UK, Maha Nakhon Thailand, Metro Manila Philippines, Moskva Russia, Oceano Atlântico Portugal, Palma Illes Balears Spain, Phnom Penh Cambodia, Santiago Región Metropolitana Chile, São Paulo Brazil, Tel Aviv-Yafo Israel, Thimi Nepal, Toronto Canada, Tower Bridge UK, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia, Wien Austria, Wuppertal Germany