AVATAR | 2010
“Avatar” is a science fiction film in the context of imperialism and ecology where an aggressive corporation mining for a valuable natural resource is starting a military conflict with a native tribe which is living in harmony with nature, worshiping a mother goddess called “Eywa”. To advance it’s materialistic interests, the mining corporation uses an avatar, a hybrid, genetically engineered native-human body to interact with the tribe and the bio-botanical spiritual neural network it is connected to.
In order to raise interest before the official cinema launch, the movie “Avatar” employs an avatar itself in the form of an online-video-trailer released into the wild of the YouTube-video-community, a digitally engineered native-coded body targeting for the valuable resource “views” in the digital network we are connected to.

My installation “Avatar – incarnation cRdxXPV9GNQ” will introduce the avatar of the film “Avatar”‘s online video-trailer represented by a massive lignite coal briquette body equivalent to the volume of coal that was burnt for the creation of the electrical energy used to serve, transmit and view the online-video-trailer 1 million times. We convert pixels into briquettes, a naturally engineered valuable fossil resource produced by mining the network Earth we are connected to.

Where Ava is another form of Eve (Eywa) and tar is another form of coal, the Internet is our only chance to enhance human development, a precious intellectual resource, our native body of knowledge. Even if we would consider only one percent of the available information in the net to be valuable, it would justify the large amount of natural resources we are investing at this point of human development.
With the availability of information comes a deal: the individual responsibility of knowing and acting. Where Earth enforms, intelligence informs, society otherwise uniforms.
On October 29th, 2009, just after the release of the trailer and the manifestation of our concept, the trailer hit one million views, which creates the exhibited cube with a side length of 3 meters and a weight of 37 tons.
As of June 1st, 2010, the total views for the trailer have surpassed 14.5 million creating a cube with the side length of 7 meters, weighing 540 tons. The cube is continuously growing and hence so is the amount of coal physically burnt in exchange and hence so is the size of the hole in Earth.
AVATAR – incarnation cRdxXPV9GNQ has been produced by and is currently on tour with ZUR NACHAHMUNG EMPFOHLEN! – examples to follow!

- Berlin | Uferhallen 03.09.-10.10.2010
- Gartow | Westwendischer Kunstverein Wendland 24.10.2010-05.03.2011
- Dessau | Umweltbundesamt und Bauhaus Dessau 23.03.- 29.04.2011
- Ingolstadt | Neuer Kunstverein Pfaffenhofen a.d. Ilm, Stadt Neuburg an der Donau 14.05-13.06.2011
- Bremen | Wasserturm, Schwankhalle, Arbeitnehmerkammer 02.07.-28.08.2011
- Hamburg | Virginia Haus | Überseequartier | HafenCity 10.09.-30.10.2011
- Indien | Mumbai 04.02-10.03.2012
- Äthiopien | Addis Abeba 04.-24.05.2012
- China | Peking | Iberia Center of Contemporary Art 05.08.-14.09.2012
- Brasil | Sao Paulo | Galeria Marta Traba 22.02.-07.04.2013
- Mexiko | Puebla | Capilla del Arte UDLAP 17.10.2013-19.01.2014
- Essen | Stiftung Zollverein 19.07.2014-04.09.2014
- Peru | Lima | Museo Metropolitano 28.10.2014 – 19.01.2015
- Freudenberg am Main | rauchmuseum | 15.11.2015 – 13.03.2016
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Marstall Schwerin, Nikolaikirche Rostock, schloss bröllin | 01.07. 2016 – 11.09.2016
- Chile | Valparaíso | Parque Cultural de Valparaíso 10.6.17-12.08.17
- Bonn | Ehemalige Volkshochschule 19.4.18 – 10.6.18
- Erfurt | Galerie Waidspeicher und Kulturhof zum Güldenen Krönbacken und Augustinerkloster 28.7.-22.9.2019
- Israel | Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem und Pyramida Art Center, Haifa 02.09.2021 – 30.11.2021
- Berlin | Uferhallen 11.05.2023 – 16.07.2023
Dr. Jonathan G. Koomey, Ph.D. / Prof. Niko P. Ernsting, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin / Hans Engelke Energie OHG, Berlin / Stiftung Forum der Kulturen zu Fragen der Zeit / Jochen Flasbarth, Umweltbundesamt Dessau

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Titel: Pyramis Niger – incarnation MMIX
Author: Michael Saup
License: Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Original photograph by Ricardo Liberato
Titel: Cubus Niger – incarnation cRdxXPV9GNQ
Author: Michael Saup
License: Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0
Original photograph by Rita Willaert
Title: Limes Niger
Author: Michael Saup
License: CC BY 3.0 (Creative Commons Attribution 3.0)
Original photographs by Bill Price III and Brocken Inaglory
Titel: Mumbai Sun Gates
Author: Michael Saup
License: cc by-nc-sa 3.0
Original photograph by https://www.flickr.com/people/italo_ana/