Without Human – Lagrange 7- naturæ sapiens | 2021

Without Human – Lagrange 7- naturæ sapiens | 2021

by Amanda Gregory and Michael Saup – April 2021

Without Human- Lagrange 7- naturæ sapiens

This work is a sonic conceptual exploration of the spatial coordinates in outer space known as the Lagrange points, in which the gravitational forces of the two large planetary bodies and the centrifugal force balance each other and there is no pulling effect from other sources of gravity. Zen, the bird makes a cameo during the recording and his presence in the film symbolically points to the commonalities between humans and the co-evolved vocal learning creatures of earth. The Schumann resonance provides a deep and fundamental bass throughout the music, emulating the precursor to vibration. Bilateral harmonics exponentially emerge in ratios of the Schumann Resonance and 528Hz.
