minimalcarbon | 2022/23

Addressing the Digital Power Consumption Crisis

minimal carbon has been selected 2023 by Pioneer, a startup accelerator dedicated to fostering creative and ambitious innovators representing a collective valuation exceeding $1 billion. Backed by Stripe and Marc Andreessen, Pioneer employs an advanced AI-driven process, scraping 100 million domains weekly and narrowing down the top 0.002% [1:50,000] for human evaluation—ultimately identifying minimal carbon as one of its standout innovations.

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DUST VR [video]

Our work DUST VR uses virtual reality to represent and investigate the invisible sphere of urban particulate matter. We give representation to the recent developments of open data and citizen science and chip away at popular incognizance of just how much dust, and now data may impact our private lives.

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ORBIS LUMEN | 2017-2019

The Light of the World – The Sugarcoat of Nuclear War

A world map built from white sugar cubes serves as a global canvas documenting the chronological history of nuclear detonations. This work provokes profound reactions and reflections on our technological advancements, their consequences and the impending threat of nuclear warfare and omnicide, the annihilation of all life forms, including humanity.

Orbis Lumen | Deutschlandfunk

Unsichtbares sichtbar macht auch eines der erschreckendsten Kunstwerke auf der diesjährigen Ars Electronica. Der Berliner Künstler Michael Saup hat eine Weltkarte des Visionärs Richard Buckminster Fuller nachgebaut, aus mehr als 44.000 Zuckerwürfeln. Darauf projiziert er verschiedene Darstellungen der Erde. Saup: „Warum Würfelzucker? Inhaltlich gesprochen ist Zucker Energie. Im Friedensfalle Energie für Menschen und Fahrzeuge, im Kriegsfall wird Zucker allerdings konfisziert und in Sprengstoff überführt.“

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AVATAR | 2010

Saup, on the other hand, with his monumental sculpture “Avatar Incarnation cRdxXPV9GNQ” depicts the daily consumption of energy by the seemingly clean Internet so strikingly and impressively “that it will blow every visitor away and is guaranteed to make them think.”

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