minimalcarbon | 2022/23

Addressing the Digital Power Consumption Crisis

minimal carbon has been selected 2023 by Pioneer, a startup accelerator dedicated to fostering creative and ambitious innovators representing a collective valuation exceeding $1 billion. Backed by Stripe and Marc Andreessen, Pioneer employs an advanced AI-driven process, scraping 100 million domains weekly and narrowing down the top 0.002% [1:50,000] for human evaluation—ultimately identifying minimal carbon as one of its standout innovations.

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ETF! Examples To Followפרי שיתוף פעולה ייחודי וחוצה גבולות עם אוצרת מברלין גב’ אדריאן גוהלר, ומוזיאון “על התפר” בירושלים. המהפכה הסביבתית חברתית, יצאה לדרך רוצים להצטרף אליה?בואו לתערוכה הבינלאומית בנושא משבר האקלים ETF! Examples To Follow התערוכה תתקיים במקביל בפירמידה- מרכז לאמנות עכשווית בחיפה ובמוזיאון על התפר, מוזיאון חברתי לאמנות עכשווית בירושלים. מטרת התערוכה היא […]

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new world map

Contiguous land Accept the challenge and employ a new world map that includes 100% of life on earth. The anthropocentric Dymaxion map, our grand inspiration, can not do that as it splits the oceans, which cover 70% of earth. An estimated 50-80% of all life on earth is found under the ocean surface and the […]

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We regret to announce that due to the COVID-19 situation we have had to cancel and postpone the Laibach 4.0 Anniversary event that should be happening on 23 October 2020, in Delavski Dom Trbovlje. A coronavirus epidemic has been declared in Slovenia on 19 October 2020, which means that all public venues and cultural institutions, […]

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Orbis Lumen | Deutschlandfunk

Unsichtbares sichtbar macht auch eines der erschreckendsten Kunstwerke auf der diesjährigen Ars Electronica. Der Berliner Künstler Michael Saup hat eine Weltkarte des Visionärs Richard Buckminster Fuller nachgebaut, aus mehr als 44.000 Zuckerwürfeln. Darauf projiziert er verschiedene Darstellungen der Erde. Saup: „Warum Würfelzucker? Inhaltlich gesprochen ist Zucker Energie. Im Friedensfalle Energie für Menschen und Fahrzeuge, im Kriegsfall wird Zucker allerdings konfisziert und in Sprengstoff überführt.“

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Nuclear Zen | 2017

documentary film about the Fukushima nuclear crisis
with Keibo Oiwa, Japanese author, activist & philosopher
20 min

“Finding a positive thing in a very negative picture is the most difficult, most challenging type of criticism.” Keibo Oiwa

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before the nuclear sunrise: the abyss of light
a short reminder by Michael and Laibach

“Their magnum opus. It is spectacular and sublime.”

The Quietus

“Ohne Musik wäre das Leben ein Irrtum | Without music, life would be a mistake”

Friedrich Nietzsche
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