ORBIS LUMEN | 2017-2019

The Light of the World – The Sugarcoat of Nuclear War

A world map built from white sugar cubes serves as a global canvas documenting the chronological history of nuclear detonations. This work provokes profound reactions and reflections on our technological advancements, their consequences and the impending threat of nuclear warfare and omnicide, the annihilation of all life forms, including humanity.

Orbis Lumen | Deutschlandfunk

Unsichtbares sichtbar macht auch eines der erschreckendsten Kunstwerke auf der diesjährigen Ars Electronica. Der Berliner Künstler Michael Saup hat eine Weltkarte des Visionärs Richard Buckminster Fuller nachgebaut, aus mehr als 44.000 Zuckerwürfeln. Darauf projiziert er verschiedene Darstellungen der Erde. Saup: „Warum Würfelzucker? Inhaltlich gesprochen ist Zucker Energie. Im Friedensfalle Energie für Menschen und Fahrzeuge, im Kriegsfall wird Zucker allerdings konfisziert und in Sprengstoff überführt.“

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Welcome. I am Michael Saup. Artist.

“R111 could be considered the pinnacle of
media art at the turn of the millennium.”

Yukiko Shikata, President of International Association of Art Critics Japan, 2024

“Sometimes, it felt like the inner workings of the universe made visible. It revolved slowly, then grew in complexity until it seemed, in substance if not style, like a collaboration between da Vinci, Picasso and Stephen Hawking.”

Evening Post, New Zealand, 1998

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Nuclear Zen | 2017

documentary film about the Fukushima nuclear crisis
with Keibo Oiwa, Japanese author, activist & philosopher
20 min

“Finding a positive thing in a very negative picture is the most difficult, most challenging type of criticism.” Keibo Oiwa

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before the nuclear sunrise: the abyss of light
a short reminder by Michael and Laibach

“Their magnum opus. It is spectacular and sublime.”

The Quietus

“Ohne Musik wäre das Leben ein Irrtum | Without music, life would be a mistake”

Friedrich Nietzsche
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Exhibition in Tokyo

ヒトは太古より、自然と闘いながら生きてきた。やがて天の 、星を仰ぎ、時間と地上で繰り返される季節の法則を理解し 安定した日々を手に入れた。知識は生きるための武器とな り、争いを鎮め、共生を可能にした。人類は原子力エネル 、ギーを手にし、その有用性と安全をとなえた。そして昨年 その呪縛から目覚めるための警笛は鳴り響いた。日本のみ ならず、全世界に。鋭い感性と表現の手段を持つ日独のアー ティストの作品に触れ、彼らと共に水の星地球と私たちの 。

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AVATAR | 2010

Saup, on the other hand, with his monumental sculpture “Avatar Incarnation cRdxXPV9GNQ” depicts the daily consumption of energy by the seemingly clean Internet so strikingly and impressively “that it will blow every visitor away and is guaranteed to make them think.”

Read more "AVATAR | 2010"